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Did you know that identy theft costs millions of people and financial institutions billions of dollars every year! By having an efficient credit report monitoring service in place, you can detect the signs of identity theft early. Most people are blissfully unaware that someone may have stolen their social security number and their identity. Many thieves set about opening accounts either to launder money or borrow against your good name. This can take months or even years to notice and can ruin your good name and cost you plenty of money as well. NOT if you have access to a credit report monitoring service. offer a free trial period for you to test their credit report monitoring service. Once you order your free credit report you will automatically be enrolled into your free trial of credit monitoring. You will then receive automatic notifications of any changes made to your credit report. Should you wish to continue using the credit report monitorng service once your trial period has ended you will be billed $14.95 a month. However, there is absolutely no obligation to continue using the service after your free trial period has finished - You can cancel your membership at any time.

Click Here To See Your Free Credit Report And Credit Score


Facing Foreclosure? Then You Need to Get on Board With Obama's Mortgage Loan Modification Today

Believe it or not, you actually hold the upper hand when it comes to Mortgage Loan Modification in this situation. Your lender will have to pay a very high price to foreclose on your home. Added to this, is the mounting pressure from other companies and organizations for your lender to be more lenient with you in these hard times.

Think of all the memories your home holds for you. Do you recall the lazy days lying around or watching the children play. Maybe you have experienced countless emotions. Whether you have been happy, sad or angry, your home is something that you don't want to lose!

Your lender is not in the business of selling homes. The additional costs and fees associated with foreclosure will leave your mortgage provider looking for other suitable solutions.

With a Mortgage Loan Modification plan, you can reduce your payments for a period of 5 years to something far more affordable. The government can even reduce your mortgage principle in that time. This is a win-win situation for both parties. You get to keep your home, lower your repayments and have your mortgage balance reduced. Your lender doesn't have to go through the effort of trying to foreclose and sell your home and still receives some form of payment from you.

However, with a solution, there is usually always another problem right around the corner. Many people in your circumstances, resort to contacting attorneys, companies and specialists in mortgage foreclosure and loan modification. The fees that you can expect to pay can be astronomical and maybe even push you into further debt.

Some Loan Modification Companies have been reported to charge anywhere between $1500 - $5000 to perform this service. So this, of course, has led the way for certain individuals to fight back and complete the Mortgage Loan Modification process on their own.

If you need a step-by-step system and don't have up to $5000 to spend on Mortgage Loan Modification fees and charges then Click Here to see what other people who have "done it themselves" have to say.

Discover What the Obama Loan Modification Programs and the 31 Percent Rule Can Do For You

Loan Modification Programs aren't something new, but many will argue the old system wasn't structured properly to work. A recent example of this is - over half of the loans modified in the US from January to March 2008 defaulted on their modified loan before the end of the year.

What Exactly is Loan Modification?

As you are well aware the economy has taken a huge downturn over the last couple of years. This has had an undesired effect for many homeowners. People find their loans are at risk and the possible threat of foreclosure. This is where lenders will offer lower monthly repayments and set terms and conditions on your home loan for a specified period of time. However, with no real structure in place, this was doomed to fail.

The Obama administration unveiled their new program on Wednesday 4th March 2009. This program planned to restructure home loans and save millions of Americans from foreclosure.

So What is the 31% Rule?

The program requires lenders to reduce your monthly mortgage repayments to no more than 38% of your gross monthly income. The government will then fund the remainder, to bring your payments down by a further 7%. This would mean that your monthly mortgage repayments would be no more than 31% of your total gross monthly income.

In order for your lender to achieve this, they would first need to lower the interest rate on your loan and possibly extend the term of your mortgage. They have the ability to lower the interest rate to 2% and extend your term up to 40 years. However, even after all these alterations, if you are still paying above 31% threshold, the lender can merely claim payments for your principle balance and will charge no interest.

For you to secure help to join one of these Programs, you will usually need to approach a Loan Modification Company. Although, many people have reported savings in excess of $500 per month on their mortgage payments, others have told horror stories of the fees that some of these companies charge.

How Barack Obama's Modification of Your Mortgage Can Really Help Those Suffering Financially

The New Mortgage Loan Modification Programs were introduced by the Obama administration in March 2009. For those of you struggling to meet your monthly repayments and with the threat of possible foreclosure hanging over you, this could be just the thing you are looking for.

With the agonizing recent recession and slump in housing prices, this has had a huge effect on millions of Americans. The Obama Loan Modification process has been introduced to help you through these hard times.

So what help is the government offering exactly?

Should you own and live in your mortgaged property and have a loan balance of below $729,750 you may be eligible. The government are looking to streamline your payments for up to five years. This may involve lowering the interest rate or extending the term of your mortgage.

For those of you suffering financial hardship and wishing to participate in this plan, you will be required to write and sign a letter stating such and if your overall debts are above 55% of your income, you will have to agree to take part in credit counseling. The final criteria to be eligible is that you must haven taken your loan out prior to January 1st 2009.

The process is a very rigorous form of verification, involving proof of ownership, proof of income and expenditure, through supplying relevant documents. Many industry experts believe that if these plans had been brought in a few years ago, then perhaps the current housing crisis could have been avoided altogether.

There are many companies who can help you through the legal and financial aspects for the Modification of your mortgage.

However, some Loan Modification Companies have been reported to charge anywhere between $1500 - $5000 to perform this service. So this, of course, has led the way for certain individuals to fight back and complete the procedures on their own. To learn how you can complete this process yourself Click Here.


How to Improve My Credit Score After a Default?

Firstly, it is great that you are looking to improve your credit rating. We can all be irresponsible with our money at times. The trick is to learn from your mistakes and understand what you need to do to move forward. I'm sure many of you have asked the question, "How To Improve My Credit Score After A Default", so let's try and answer that for you.

It may not be something you want to hear initially, but often time is the greatest healer when it comes to improving your credit score. In the main, a default will show on your credit file for up to 6 years. This, of course, will severely impact on your ability to secure credit. However, it must be said that there are lenders out there that will lend to applicants with a default. Although, you must be aware that you will undoubtedly be charged a higher rate of interest for credit, than if you had a clean record.

You have the opportunity to check your credit reports for free once a year. So make sure you take advantage of this. Check that your records are up to date and free of any errors. You will find the longer that you have lived at your current address or the longer you have been with your current employer, will have a positive effect on improving your credit score after a default.

During the times that you don't require any credit, please ensure that you keep your finances intact. Always try and stay within your agreed overdraft limit and look to pay your monthly repayments and bills on a timely basis. Any potential lender will always look at your most recent credit history. Even if you have a default registered and a low credit score, the way you manage your accounts after the event will have certain repercussions. By making repayments in full and on time, this will help to improve your credit score and will also show lenders that you now have your finances under control.

There are many differing means and methods to improve your credit score. Don't ever think that having a default registered against you is the end of the world.

You may want to check out how high spending ex college student Chris Brisson went about raising his credit score by 135 points in 37 days. This was with defaults and late-pays registered against him.

Are These Offers That Provide Unsecured Personal Loans For Poor Credit All They're Cracked Up to Be?

With the downturn in the world's economy, it appears more and more people now have a bad credit rating than ever before. You would think borrowing money would be more difficult now, but it seems this is when you become inundated with offers of Unsecured Personal Loans For Poor Credit.

Are the companies and organizations that offer these deals, what they actually appear to be, or are they trying to hide some dark secret from you. In all honesty, if you have bad credit score, or defaults/judgements registered against or even a bankruptcy, you cannot expect to be offered the same terms and conditions as when you had a clean record. However, this does not mean that unscrupulous lenders should be able to take advantage of your situation by charging excessively high interest rates.

This is when it may be more appropriate to educate yourself in the way that lenders think, prior to approaching them for a loan. A program that i have recently reviewed is My Miracle Loans. My Miracle Loans is a program that teaches it's members a number of different strategies on how to approach a lender during these trying times. They promise that as long as you thoroughly research and understand the techniques they teach you, once you put them into practice, you are 100% guaranteed a loan.

My Miracle Loans have a different approach for every situation. There is no one method to use. Depending on your personal circumstances, they can provide help for you:-

- Bad Credit

- No job or income

- Student

- Bankruptcy

- Very Low Credit Score

- Been turned down before

And not just Unsecured Personal Loans For People With Poor Credit, they can help you secure a loan or home finance for any purpose.

If you are struggling and not sure where to turn and you are looking for an Unsecured Personal Loan For Poor Credit, then please read my full review on My Miracle Loans and discover how to ease your financial troubles today.


5 Top Tips To What Makes A Great Loan Modification Hardship Letter

A well thought out and well written Loan Modification Hardship Letter can be the difference between success and failure when making a loan modification application. You must remember ever since the Obama Administration announced the new Loan Modification Plans And Programs back in March 2009, the majority of lenders have been inundated with applications.

So your letter needs to be clear, concise and if at all possible as unique as you can:-

1) Don't make excuses. Just describe in detail what the hardship is and why you are in this situation.

2) State what you have tried to do to overcome your current financial hardship.

3) You need to fully emphasize to your lender how important it is to you that you and your lender work together to resolve any problems.

4) Explain what your plans are to get yourself back on track with your mortgage repayments.

5) Don't beat around the bush. Be very clear and get to the point.

The Hardships that lenders will accept:-

- Death of a family member or the person who pays the mortgage

- Divorce

- Loss of your Job or Relocation

- Due to a reset variable rate your monthly mortgage repayments have increased

Thanks For The Help Obama But Are You Willing To Pay $5000 For The Modification Of Your Mortgage?

Since the Obama Administration introduced the new Loan Modification Plans on Wednesday 4th March 2009, many people have gone about planning the changes to their mortgages.

However, one stumbling block seems to get in everyone's way! The process of approaching your lender for the Modification of Your Mortgage usually requires a middleman. This is when the help of specialized attorneys, Loan Modification companies and professionals is required.

How much do these services cost you?

Well, you could be looking at anywhere from $1500 to $5000. Now, the way i see things, if you had that kind of money freely available you probably wouldn't need to approach your lender.
The actual plan of the Obama administration is to help out the 4 million plus Americans, who have either fallen behind with their monthly mortgage repayments or to those unfortunate enough to be facing foreclosure.

The help you will be offered is over a five year period. You mortgage principle can be reduced by up to $5000. Your interest rate can be dropped to as low as 2% and the term of your home loan can be extended up to a maximum of 40 years.

This certainly is a fantastic helping hand to those suffering financial hardship and looking to modify their mortgage repayments, but once again, you are faced with the fees and charges to get the ball rolling.

I knew it wouldn't be long before someone had to go through this whole process and then worked out a way of doing it for themselves! You are undoubtedly looking for no huge fees, no additional charges, just some guidance on how to approach the Loan Modification process. Hence the birth of the DIY Loan Modification Kit!

With the help of this kit, you can learn to:-

- Lower your interest rate and your payment

- Reduce the principal balance

- Convert to a fixed rate for peace of mind

- Have all late fees and charges removed from your record

- Stop the Foreclosure process

Click Here For More Info On The Do-It-Yourself Loan Modification Kit

What have some of the people who have used the DIY Loan Modification Kit got to say:-

"Thanks to the Do-It-Yourself Loan Modification Kit I was able to save my home! I had to stick to it for 3 months and really put my head down, but it was well worth it in the long run. I will be the first one to say it wasn't easy, but if you are struggling to make ends meet, it is definitely worth it. I ended up with a 40yr term at 4.5% reducing my mortgage over $1000 per month! I talked to a loan modification company before I chose the kit, but they wanted $3,500 upfront. I weighed my options and for only $29.95 I knew exactly what I was going to receive! And If I couldn't get the loan modification done myself at least I had peace of mind that I didn't waste $3,500."
Ted Basil, Syracuse, NY

"We have been in our home for 3 years and I think we were given the wrong mortgage. We got behind, but your kit showed us how to make our lender listen! We are now in a mortgage that we can afford. Our entire family appreciates you and the information that you provide."
Paul and Brenda Keen, Danbury, CT

"I was over $10,000 behind on my mortgage. My rate had just adjusted to 13.25%! Using your kit, I was able to negotiate the following: 13.25% adjustable rate was taken to an 8% fixed!And, get this... the lender allowed me to have the $10,000 I was behind, rolled onto the back of my loan!My new payment including taxes and insurance, is $300 less than what my previous payment was, and that's not including the taxes and insurance!!!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"

Vivian Stephens , Dallas, TX

Click Here For More Info On The Do-It-Yourself Loan Modification Kit


What's All This About Mortgage Loan Modification Plans?

The Government has now come up with two plans to help people who have missed payments on their mortgage and are struggling. In this article i wish to introduce you to the one that is called a Loan Modification plan. To qualify, you need to meet the following criteria:-

- Your original mortgage loan cannot be greater than $729,000

- Your mortgage must have completed prior to January 1st 2009

- You will be required to provide proof of your income and expenditure, through payslips, tax returns and bank statements

- If your total debts are in excess of 55% of your income, you have to agree to visit credit counselling

- Finally, you must be living in the mortgaged property and will be required to write a letter in your own handwriting stating that you are in financial hardship

So what can your lender do for you in this situation?

- They can lower your monthly repayments to approximately a third of your monthly income.

- Interest has been known to be dropped to as low as 2%.

- You don't need to pay any fees for the modification as these are covered by the government

- The government are able to reduce your balance by up to $5000 over 5 years as long as you make your payments on time

- Your rate is reduced for the period of 5 years, so you may have to pay more after this period

- You are only ever allowed one modification

Loan Modification Companies have been reported to charge anywhere from $1500 - $5000 to help you with this process. If you don't have that kind of "spare" cash lying around, you will need to complete a "Do-It-Yourself" Loan Modification.

Click Here for More Info On The Do-It-Yourself Loan Modification Kit

Is Getting A Loan With Bad Credit Really That Hard?

Have you ever wondered why lenders seem to treat people with a bad credit history so badly? If you have bad credit and apply for a loan, you know, generally you're going to be declined or charged some extortionate rate of interest.

You simply want any potential lender to recognise that you haven't always had a bad credit history. You probably had a decent credit rating once, then, unfortunately some unforseen circumstance or an inevitable event forced you into having your credit record damaged.

However, what guarantee does a lender have that someone who has a perfect credit rating now, may not default on that loan at some time in the future. Circumstances change, things happen and nothing can be 100% guaranteed. It seems as though you are still being punished for what happened in the past.

Lenders have now started to notice, with the rising number of people falling in debt and bad credit, it no longer makes sense not to conduct business with everyone, good credit, bad credit or otherwise. Many specialized loans, credit cards and products have spread through the financial marketplace. You can now get a bad credit loan for a wide variety of purposes. Car Loans, Holiday Loans, Debt Consolidation loans.

A lender may ask for you to put up some form of collateral or asset as security against your loan. This can work well for both parties. A lender has some form assurance by way of an asset, usually your home...and as the borrower who has a bad credit history, in can be a case of once bitten, twice shy. You have been through the hell of bad credit, and all it brings, once. So why would you wish to lose an asset such as your home by making the same mistakes again.

Getting a Loan with bad credit without having to provide any collateral is possible as well. Usually an unsecured loan is only ever offered to people with a great credit rating. Some lenders may accept a borrower with a bad credit history, but you can usually expect to pay a higher rate of interest and sometimes you may be asked to pay a high fee and have to adhere to some near impossible terms of repayment.

Despite that, don't worry, there are lenders out there who will charge a reasonable rate of interest to those wih bad credit. Prior to approaching a lender or even an intermediary company for help, there are a few things you need to consider - You must decide exactly how much you need to borrow. Then the exact dispersal of your loan. Maybe, some of your loan is to consolidate some other debts, while some is to pay some bills and some is merely for pleasure. Then you need to work out an affordable budget and timescale to repay the loan. You don't want to fall into the same trap again of missing payments and eventually defaulting on a loan.

Once you have calculated all this, then you can approach a lender to find out if they can offer a loan that fits within your criteria. Finally, if you have managed to secure that all important loan, this will do wonders for your credit rating. By making your payments in full and on time, this will help to repair that bad credit history.

Debt Consolidation Loans For Bad Credit To Delay The Further Worsening Of Credit

The importance of debt consolidation loans can be best understood by people who are suffering with bad credit history. Debt consolidation loans for people with bad credit provides a manner in which they can prevent their financial condition and credit status from further deteriorating.

A debt consolidation loan replaces several small and big debts that a particular person might have incurred. Under this arrangement, a single loan is used to repay all debts of the borrower. Since the loan taken at this instance is not immediately repayable, borrowers get enough time to prepare for repayment.

Borrowers are referred to as bad credit when they have defaulted on debts in the past. Mortgage arrears, County Court Judgements, Individual Voluntary Arrangements, all count towards tarnishing the borrowers’ credit history. Credit history of borrowers is referred to in order to get data about the credibility that a borrower enjoys. A bad credit history would thus imply that the borrower has lesser credibility and thus make him a bad case for debt consolidation loans.

This however is not so. Borrowers with bad credit history are also considered for debt consolidation loans. The logic behind this is that by taking debt consolidation loan, the borrower with bad credit history is making positive efforts to change his/ her credit status. Thus, debt consolidation loan is readily available to people with bad credit history.

A slightly higher interest payment is what you are required to make on the debt consolidation loan if you have a bad credit history. You however need to distinguish between lenders who are charging the justifiable rates of interest and those who aren’t. The task is not as difficult. Just see what other lenders are offering to borrowers with similar circumstances. If that is not enough, you can request a select group of lenders to send their debt consolidation loan quote. The quote provides information about the rate of interest that will be charged, the period for which the loan will be offered and other important terms on which the loan will be granted. It is certain that on comparison, a few quotes will be rejected and some will be selected for further screening through several processes.

Once a debt consolidation loan provider is selected, the process of eliminating debts is initiated. The first step in any debt settlement process will be to make a list of the debts. The list must be as exhaustive as possible so that all debts are included.

The list of debts with the persons to whom each debt is due and the interest rate that each carries will be supplied to the loan provider. Debt consolidation loans have a special feature that borrowers are guided in the debt settlement process. The guiding principle of every debt settlement process is to save maximum for the debtor. Only through a proper negotiation can creditors be forced to write off a particular debt or a part of it. Borrowers do not have the necessary time and skills to make this happen. Thus, the service of the debt consolidation loan provider becomes necessary.

Debt consolidation loans come in either of the two forms, i.e. secured and unsecured loans. A secured debt consolidation loan is one in which the repayment is backed by a collateral. An unsecured debt consolidation loan, on the other hand, has no direct stake on any asset. There are subtle differences in the rates of interest and other terms that make secured debt consolidation loans more preferred in spite of the risk on assets.

Debt Consolidation Loans Can Resolve Bad Credit Debt

Replacing several high interest loans or credit cards with one consolidation loan can not only lower your monthly payments, but also save you money due to the lower interest rate on the new loan.

Look at the rates you are paying on your unsecured debts, i.e. credit cards with a rate of between about 13% and over 35%. These are obvious replacement loan candidates. Auto loans and store credit cards are other loans that should be paid off.

If you can get a second mortgage or refinance your current first mortgage, use these funds to pay off these unsecured loans. You should be able to currently save several thousand dollars in interest payments alone. I am assuming a total loan amount above the home debt to be about $20,000.

The other advantage to this plan is to reduce your monthly payments by a substantial amount. This also should allow you to gain a payment schedule that you can easily meet and even reduce quicker over time. Make sure you can pay off this new loan with extra payments with no penalty. It is a good place to put some of that extra money you have each month.

This idea also takes some solid research on your part. All banks and mortgage companies do not operate the same way. Also you want to find the best rate you can get for your debt structure.

Look to these sources for your consolidation loan: Local banks, local mortgage brokers, and the newest provider for these loans, the internet loan providers. There are many companies fighting each other to make these loans to folks like you. Take advantage of your popularity.

Sometimes, debt consolidation companies can discount the amount of the loan. The debt consolidator will buy the loan at a discount, usually when in danger of bankruptcy. The wise debtor can easily shop around for consolidators who will pass along some of the savings. Consolidation usually affects the ability of the debtor to discharge debts in bankruptcy. It’s prudent to weigh this decision rationally.

Take your future in your own hands and make this happen for your financial health. Saving money and paying off your debts faster will open your life to a freedom you have not enjoyed for a long time. A family with minimum debts has eliminated a potential family problem and replaced it with freedom. Do your self a favour and become debt free.

Discover The Secrets Behind Emergency Personal Loans

If you suffering a financial crisis then being able to get emergency personal loans may solve all your problems. There are now many online lenders that can offer an instant payday cash advance, even to people who have bad credit.

The majority of payday loans that you will be offered will be up to a maximum of $500. However, dependant on your income, some companies may be willing to offer you up to $1500. The reason that these companies like to limit your borrowing is because this is a short term loan and will usually need to be repaid within 2 to 4 weeks. Remember this type of loan is for those who are cash-strapped till payday.

The internet has made the process of securing emergency payday loans a lot more convenient. This will afford you a lot more privacy and can also speed up the process. There is no need to book appointments and wait agonisingly for a decision. In most cases, you will be required to complete an online application and hold on for an immediate answer. You may be asked to produce payslips or bank statements as proof of earnings, but these can either be faxed or scanned and sent by e-mail to the company in question.

As mentioned, the online process and acceptance can be an immediate solution. You may find that if you apply on a weekday, that the funds could be transferred to your checking account on the same day as your initial application.

These lenders are taking a high risk as there are usually no credit checks completed, hence the reason that more substantial sized loans are not offered.

Perhaps you have tried to secure a payday advance before and been declined! If you have been struggling for any amount of time and are not sure what to do next, i suggest you check out Kim Roach's Instant Payday Loan Formula.


How to Finance Your Car With Bad Credit

Have you been searching for somewhere to finance your car with bad credit? In this day and age everyone either needs, wants or has a car. Gone are the days when a car was considered a luxury item. A car is definitely a necessity for most. However, due to your poor credit history, no lender is willing to help. You have even approached your own bank and they have shut the door firmly in your face.

This is when your search to finance your car begins. Although there is a vast array of lenders available, you need to be very careful. I'm sure you have heard many horror stories of people borrowing money and then being held to ransom by the lender. Once they have gone through the reams of small print, they discover that they will need to pay back up to 10 times the amount they borrowed. This, unfortunately, leads to further debt., which in turn can worsen your credit rating and eventually lead to bankruptcy!

Fortunately, this is where certain companies and organizations have evolved to help you. They are intermediary organizations, who will do all the leg work for you. They understand having bad credit can be a difficult time and will provide you with everything you have been looking for. They can show you how to finance your car, even with bad credit. Usually these companies have a huge list of lenders on their books, who are willing to help people in your situation. They can also provide online support and even have access to many unknown government resources. You will usually have to pay a very small one-time fee to get access to this information and remember i said very small!

You can still Finance your Car With Bad Credit, but you will just need to be wary. This is why i believe these intermediary companies are actually a blessing in disguise. The majority of lenders on their books can give you that auto loan online, at a price you can afford. In most cases your auto loan can be agreed and set up within a matter of days.

If you urgently need to Finance Your Car With Bad Credit, then it is time you visited one of these intermediary companies. Click Here to find out exactly what others in your situation are doing and secure that car loan today.

Who Else Has Bad Credit, Can Put No Money Down, & Needs a Mortgage?

There are countless home loans and mortgages available to people with bad credit who are unable to put any money down as deposit. As someone who is new to the home buying process, you may be totally unaware of what help is available to you.

The sub-prime mortgage market is open to homebuyers with a poor credit history, those who have been made bankrupt or have even faced foreclosure. These types of lenders specialize in securing home loans for those who are struggling. Another fascinating fact is that many sub-prime lenders may be able to offer more favourable terms and interest rates than a conventional mortgage lender.

Two of the types of products that these lenders can offer are 100% financing and also 103% finance. The 100% finance mortgage is intended for those who have no money to put down and need to get their foot on the home buying ladder. This is also a great way for you to demonstrate that you have the ability to pay your monthly repayments in full and on time. This, of course will help to rebuild your poor credit rating. In most cases to secure a 100% loan you will be required to have a credit rating of least 580.

The 103% financing is aimed at people who not only have no money to put down, but require assistance in paying the associated costs and fees with your mortgage. In order to secure the 103% service, you will be required to have a minimum credit score of 600.

Even though having Bad Credit and no money to put down may seem like the end of your dream of securing a mortgage, it need not be.

Take this opportunity to see what others who have bad credit, can put no money down, but need a mortgage, have done.

Perhaps you need to improve your credit score first. In that case please grab a copy of your Free Report on the 6 Deadly Credit Repair Myths.

Discover Who Can Find a Bad Credit Loan Today

It's a familiar story, you find you have bad credit and you desperately need a loan today. You have tried the more conventional methods, but no lender is willing to give you a chance. This only makes matters worse. You are struggling to meet the monthly repayments on your bills and you have absolutely nowhere to turn. This is when you really need help and advice.

My Miracle Loans is a program that has been designed to help people in your very situation. So who can My Miracle Loans help to Find A Bad Credit Loan:-

- Those of you who have no job or cannot prove your income - let's face facts, if you had money, you wouldn't need urgent help. This is why they will help you secure a loan without having to provide numerous payslips and bank statements.

- People who have a poor credit history or a low credit score - there will be no credit checks, so this will have no effect on your ability to borrow.

- Those who have been made Bankrupt - This program has been created to help shed some light. You will discover methods to secure finance even when bankrupt that have been hidden from you for many years by lenders.

- You have no assets or collateral - This system is not about what you have to offer a lender in return for a loan. You will not be required to prove anything.

Even if you have been turned down before My Miracle Loans can help you find a bad credit loan today.

If you are struggling and not sure where to turn and you are looking to Find A Bad Credit Loan, then please read my full review on My Miracle Loans and discover how to ease your financial troubles today.

Improve Your Credit Score - Part 3

My system actually won't work for everybody.

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Chris Brisson's Improve Your Credit Rating Part 2

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trying to get my website shut down.

Why are they trying to ban it?

I think it's because we're (finally) getting
exposed to the credit repair secrets they've
been hiding all along.

It's all right here in black and white and
chock full o' proof!
The credit repair industry wants to keep this
from us. But that's too bad for them.

People like you and me deserve this information.
And if the credit repair industry wants to ban
my site, that PROVES that these secrets are the
real deal. (Why else would they want to keep this
information from us?)

Anyway - here's the website that everyone's talking
about. I'm the "good guy."

Chris Brisson's 37 Days To Clean Credit

My site could be banned at any moment.

37 Days To Clean Credit

Yes, I know this sounds crazy ...but
the reason I say is simple:


You can see for yourself here:
Before you go there, you should know this
information is pure gold to the credit repair

Heck, they make millions doing what you
can for free.

People like you and me deserve this information.
And if the credit repair industry wants to ban
my site, that PROVES that these secrets are the
real deal. (Why else would they want to keep
this information from us?)

Anyway - here's the site that everyone's talking
about. It's not joke. People call me the "good guy"
and *them* the bad guys.

Talk soon,

Chris Brisson

P.S. I really *did* get an email from a credit
repair expert telling me they are going to ban
my site because they don't want the info being
leaked out to folks like us. If you want to see
what all the fuss is about, I'd go to the site
now. It might not be there tomorrow.

Here it is again:


Do You Have A Poor Credit Rating But Desperately Need A Loan?

Are you someone who feels completely helpless because you have a poor credit rating and can't seem to get a loan? Being able to secure a loan would actually solve your credit problems and see you on the road to recovery. However, because of a poor credit history or poor credit rating, no lender in their right mind would ever consider you for a loan!

I'm sure that is a very familiar story for many of you. I know myself it is one of the worst feelings that you can ever have. I recall the days of having a fairly decent job and being offered credit left, right and centre. I'm not sure why, but I pretty much accepted all the offers of credit cards or loans. I think it was something to do with the “kid let loose in a sweet shop” scenario. The repercussions never really occurred to me at the time, so I continued to take out credit card after credit card and loan after loan.

If you can't wait any longer to secure a loan then Click Here to register for the "My Miracle Loans" program right now. For those of you who wish to read my story and review, you can access the program at the end of this article.

I think the effects of what I was doing finally hit me a few years down the line. I started to use less and less credit every month and tried to act a lot more responsibly. However, I had got to the stage where my minimum repayments for all my credit was pretty much the same amount as what I earned in a month. I once read a magazine article that stated – in order to repay $10,000 on a credit card, by just making the minimum payment, this would take up to 12 years. Wow! Unfortunately it wasn't just the one credit card I had to repay!

That's when it dawned on me that I had to do something...and quickly. After some careful investigation, I decided a debt consolidation loan and a couple of 0% APR credit cards was the way to go. I had racked up a total of $26,000 in debt. I looked at my current credit card limits and assumed I wouldn't get offered more than a $5000 dollar limit on a new credit card. So my plan was to apply for two 0% APR credit cards and a $16,000 loan. This would allow me to cut up all my credit cards and have all my debts cleared within 5 years. Or so I thought, I didn't count on getting declined for every bit of credit I applied for. My credit score was shot and at an all time low!

That's when I started searching for different methods and other forms of help. Nothing illegal, of course. I just thought to myself, I can't be the first person to find themselves in this situation and I definitely won't be the last! I actually found a total of 8 different companies, courses or websites, that said they could help and even provided me with testimonials of previous satisfied customers. Today I want to talk to you about My Miracle Loans.

My Miracle Loans is a program that will teach you a number of different strategies to obtain a loan. They advise you to read through their techniques and apply what you have learned. My Miracle Loans guarantee a 100% success rate, as long as you carry out their systems and procedures to the letter! They have helped people, like you and me, those with poor credit ratings, bad credit and even bankruptcies to secure credit and finance. My Miracle Loans are responsible for helping their members acquire over $10,000,000 in loans during 2008. They also claim to be able to help anyone secure a loan of $1,000 - $1,000,000 within 7 days! (Although it's very tempting, I think I will always steer clear of the possibility of securing a loan for $1,000,000!)

So what type of people can My Miracle Loans help:-

No job or proof of income – Obviously if you have a lot of money, you wouldn't need their help! You will never be asked for proof of income or to provide evidence of your income.

Bad Credit, No Credit or Slow Credit – There are absolutely no credit checks for some of the methods you will learn. So a poor credit history will not effect the outcome.

A FICO score of 450 – That's Bad! As mentioned above, many of methods you will learn do not require a credit check. So you're covered.

Bankruptcies in the last 7 years – My Miracle Loans dispel the myth that if you have been made bankrupt, you will not be able to borrow any money for up to 7 years. They can show you the exact methods to secure a loan or credit.

No Collateral or Assets – Their system has nothing to do with what worldly possessions you own. You will not be required to provide proof of what you do or do not own.

Been turned down before - Not a problem. These methods will still work for you.

I think that comprehensive list just about covers everyone. My Miracle Loans had quite clearly stated that not all the methods and techniques will work for everyone. Not all individuals are the same. This is why they have provided you with numerous different methods to try. If you do not get accepted for one, you move on and try the next one. They have an iron-clad guarantee that EVERYONE will find success with their program.

So for what purpose can you use the loans that My Miracle Loans will help secure for you?

Business loans – Whether you are purchasing a business, looking to expand or you need supplies. They will help you get whatever you want.

Cash Advance – Do you need a pay-day advance for your job? No problem you can secure that cash advance within 10 minutes!

Car Loans – You can get that luxury car of your dreams and you don't need the salary to match.

Student Loans – This is where my problems originally started. There are many students out there, who are yet to even start college, that may be affected by poor credit.

Debt Consolidation – If you need that peace of mind. Turn all your debts into one loan and make the monthly repayments easier to handle and keep track of.

Home Loans – You have no fear of being turned down, no matter how much you want to borrow. My Miracle Loans guarantee to help you find that dream home.

Personal Loans – A personal loan is usually determined and granted by you having a great credit score. My Miracle Loans will help those of you, who are not in a position to boast about your credit score!

So let me run through the main benefits that My Miracle Loans offer:-

100% success rate – As long as you carry out their instructions correctly, you will never be turned down again for a loan.

Take up to 30 years to repay the money – In many cases, lenders may penalize you for not paying back money as soon as you can. This is not the case with My Miracle Loans.

Receive your cash in 7 days guaranteed – This doesn't have to be a long drawn out process. My Miracle Loans will guarantee that you will receive your money in 7 days or less in the majority of cases.

Use your money for any purpose – as described earlier.

No upfront fees – Paying a company to lend you money does not seem ethical...does it?

Ease of use – this is not a complicated guide on how to write loan proposals or where to find investors and this is definitely not an outdated list of lenders willing to help people with poor credit secure a loan. This is a program that allows you access to many little known and closely guarded techniques.

So what's the catch? There is no catch! My Miracle Loans program will work for you no matter who you are and what your situation may be.

There is little more I can add about this great program. If you find yourself in the situation of having a poor credit rating and you desperately need a loan, you need look no further.

You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by registering with this fantastic program.

Click here to get started and acquire that loan that will ease all your money problems today.


How To Dispute An Inaccurate Credit Report Entry With This Letter!

Are you in the process of trying to improve your credit rating? Maybe you have ordered your credit report and found one or a number of discrepencies. If you have ever wondered how to dispute an inaccurate credit report entry, then sit back, read, and off course, then use your own version of the following letter:-

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find enclosed a copy of my most recent credit report. I am writing to you in connection with an inaccurate entry listed on my report.

My name is Sam Renstaff. My current address is 53 Santa Barbara Drive, Chicago, Illinois, 53568. My date of birth is May 12th 1972.

The details of the inaccurate listing are as follows:-

MBNA Mastercard - 5301 2264 XXXX XXXX
Default registered - 07/08
Balance - -$5346

I would ask you to please investigate the above mentioned account. Once you have liaised with the creditor in question, you will discover that this account does not belong to me.

In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, as amended in October 2001, you have 30 days to investigate this matter fully and remove any inaccurate information held on my credit file.

Upon the completion of your investigation, please write to me at my registered address with the outcome. I also request that you forward my updated and corrected credit report for my records.

Thank you in advance for your kind assistance in this matter.

Yours Faithfully
Sam Renstaff

You have access to a free credit report once a year from the three credit reporting agencies. Make sure you take this opportunity to check your credit report regularly for an errors or discrepancies. You now also have access to a letter on how to dispute a credit report.


Who Else Wants To Know How To Raise Their Credit Score?

Or Read On And Collect Your Free Report At The End Of This Article

Have you ever asked yourself, "How Do I Raise My Credit Score?" Over the years you may have racked up numerous debts. These may include, loans, credit cards and mortgages. As your debts increase through constant interest charges, things seem to get a little harder month after month. Perhaps, you have been unfortunate enough to miss some payments. This, regrettably, has the knock-on effect of additional late-payment charges and will eventually ruin your credit score.

The problem is, once you hit the rocky road of having a bad or low credit score, creditors or lenders will look at you with disdain. Gone are the days of being instantly approved for any form of credit. You are now looked upon as a high risk and no-one seems willing to help you.

This is pretty much what happened to me. I had a fairly decent job and that had helped me to secure various forms of credit. It was never a worry to me then, as i always had enough money coming in to cover at least the minimum payments, if not more. However, eventually mounting interest charges or the end of a 0% credit card deal, started to have an adverse effect on me being able to continue making full and regular payments. I had even got to the stage of using one credit card to make a payment on another credit card. So even though i was making some form of monthly payment, i was increasing my debt at the same time. Not Good! This, ultimately ruined my credit score and brought it to an all time low.

I then started searching for professional credit repair agencies. I soon discovered that many of these agencies make substantial claims to improve and raise your credit score. However, the majority charge a King's ransom for the privilege and they don't seem to deliver on their promises.

This is when i came across Chris Brisson's "37 days to clean credit" course. Chris had been in the same boat as many of us before him. As a college student he had built up a total of $14,000 in student loans and credit card debt. He had a small amount of income coming in and started to miss payments. Chris had managed to get his credit score down to a horrid 520! Once again, like so many of his predecessors, Chris scoured every possible resource to improve his credit score. He eventually admitted he got scammed by these so called "professional" credit reference agencies. This is when Chris decided to do something himself about it.

Chris had made a few discoveries along the way. He then went about legally "stealing" some of top secret methods that credit reference agencies use to remove negative items, inquiries, judgements and bankruptcies. After 37 days, Chris had managed to delete 9 inquiries, 5 late-pays, 4 default accounts and 1 judgement. In the process, Chris boosted his score by 135 points to a respectable 655.

So what exactly does Chris reveal in his Course:-

- How to easily delete 30, 60, 90, 120 or 150 day late-pays from your file

- How to easily set up a budgeting system to track income, expenses and all your payments

- A little known secret technique to getting your credit card APR interest dropped to 0%

- How to stop the harassing collections telephone calls

- How to repair bad credit in less than 30 days

- How to boost your credit score by 50 points even if you have the worst credit in the world.

- How to stop foreclosure and then negotiate with your bank to lower your monthly payment by 10% - 20%

These are just a few of the methods that Chris will go through. There are just far too many helpful little techniques to mention here.

One of my favourite systems i learned from Chris, was how to reduce the interest rate of my current credit card. It was as simple as making a phone call. Mention that you have in front of you a competitors details and that they are offering a 0% deal for six months, which will then turn into a 8% rate. Chris advises to always be polite and state that you will be looking to balance transfer unless they can lower your interest rate. In most cases, the operator will speak to a supervisor, who has the ability to drop your interest rate. To threaten to leave (in a nice way) is the key! So simple, but effective.

Another invaluable source contained within this course, is the copy and paste letters. Chris has structured a number of letters to be sent to creditors depending on what form of credit repair you are looking to achieve. The letters are organized in such a way, that you simply need to insert your own personal details in the blank spaces.

In addition to the course, Chris offers an unbelievable 5 free bonuses. They would usually retail at a value of $757, but are yours for free, once you sign up to Chris's course. I absolutely loved world renowned credit card expert, Scott Bilker's Interest Annihilation Method. This is one of your free bonuses. Scott unveils how to get approved for 0% APR credit cards. Scott also discusses the secret language indicators to use when you speak to your creditors. (yes, it's all down to the actual words you use!) and his 3 step debt elimination strategy system.

So if you have finally had enough of the way that lenders treat you, it's time to do something about it! Chris Brisson has come up with a guaranteed program to help you get the credit rating you have always wanted. So let me just quickly run through what you will get, once you have signed up to Chris Course:-

- The complete "37 days To clean Credit Course"

- The Interest Annihilation Method Audio with Scott Bilker

- The Credit Millionaire System with Donna Fox

- Credit Repair Mystery with Brett Bruce

- 45 "Copy & Paste" proven Credit Repair letters

- Super Budgeting Video Walk through

Don't forget to grab your Free Report on the 6 Deadly Credit Repair Myths as well.

Click Here to get started on raising your Credit Score today.


The Secret Strategy Behind Instant Approval Credit Cards For Bad Credit

Do you remember the days of Instant Approval Credit Cards For Bad Credit? Lenders were queueing up to authorize loans and credit cards for people and it didn't seem to matter how good...or bad your credit rating was!

Well times have changed. Now that the world economy is stuck in a deep and difficult financial recession, Instant Approval Credit Cards For Bad Credit seem to be a thing of the past.

This is not altogether true. There are a number of financial companies within the marketplace who are looking to help clients who are unable to borrow money elsewhere. The problem with many of these companies though, is they want to charge outrageous interest rates and levels of monthly repayment just for you to secure some credit. It's almost as though these companies are trying to hold you to ransom!

However, it now appears that many intermediary organizations are springing up to help you in your search. These companies usually charge a very small one-time fee and then allow you access to their database of lenders, as well as providing online and telephone support. They can place you with a lender who will provide Instant Approval Credit Cards For People with Bad Credit and at an affordable price.

The outcome for you is two-fold:-

1) you have finally managed to secure the credit card that you have been searching high and low for.

2) As long as you maintain your monthly repayments and pay them in full and on time, you are also repairing your credit history, thus meaning a wider range of lenders may be available to you in the future.

These companies are a god-send for you if you are struggling with your monthly bills. Sometimes you just need and want someone to listen to you - just being approved for a credit card or loan could improve your current financial situation no end and bring an end to those sleepless nights.

Do you urgently need to get Instant Approval Credit Cards For Bad Credit Now? Or perhaps you would like know how to secure Personal Unsecured Loans For Bad Credit.


The Secret Behind How To Buy A House With Bad Credit

Let me guess, the question "How To Buy A House With Bad Credit?" has been playing on your mind for a long time now.

It seems every one around you is getting on the mortgage ladder and leaving you behind. You know being able to put a deposit down and being able to afford the monthly mortgage repayments is well within your financial capabilities, but unfortunately no mortgage lender will even look twice at you because of your credit history.

Well actually lets face facts, that's not strictly true. You do have the occasional lender who contacts you and is more than willing to lend you the money that you need. However, let me guess, they want to charge you an extortionate rate of interest and the monthly repayments are unbelievable. So what do you do?

It now appears that there are many intermediary companies with mortgage lenders on their books who are willing to help you in your quest. These companies will normally charge you a very small one-time fee..and i mean small! Once you are on their books, they will provide you with online and telephone support and a huge database of mortgage lenders willing to help you in your plight and show you how to a buy a house with bad credit.

The great thing about this is the mortgage lenders will look to secure a home loan for you and it won't cost the earth. Once you have that all important mortgage in place and are committed to making your monthly repayments, this in turn will help to repair your credit rating, thus meaning a wider range of creditors will be available to you in the future.

How about if you need to Refinance Your Home With Bad Credit? Is that any different as you already own your own home?


Can You Get Guaranteed Loans For Bad Credit?

Is there such a thing as "Guaranteed Loans For Bad Credit"?

Have you ever found yourself in that situation? - Where your debts are continually mounting up, all of your creditors are phoning you every other day and you're unable to find a real solution to your problems!

That's when you find something financially challenging and unexpected comes along and gives you yet another huge problem and forces you into frantically looking for some immediate funds. However, you can't afford to pay for what you have now, you're in trouble with your creditors and no credible lender is going to look at you.

That's when you start to become inundated with calls and adverts for people who offer Guaranteed Loans For People with Bad Credit. The problem being they are going to charge you the most extortionate of interest rates and monthly repayments.

So where do you get that fast injection of cash?

There have been organizations created to actually make this search far easier for you. They usually provide you with a membership and then issue you with a substantial amount of information via a huge database of lenders willing to help and give you that all important loan.

Usually you will have to pay a small one-time fee..and i mean small, but this will not only give you access to this huge database of lenders, you should also be provided with online or telephone support and also many unknown government resources to help you obtain a loan.

Most of the lenders on the database will offer guaranteed loans for bad credit or even a bankruptcy. The lenders are willing to lend money for almost all purposes whether it be Auto Loan Financing, Personal Loans, Mortgages or Credit Cards.

If you absolutely have to get that loan today and you're still unsure how to get Guaranteed Loans For Bad Credit, then Click Here immediately to learn what other people are doing to get approved.